About OSN

About us

OMtimes Media and Broadcasting created OMTimes Shopping Network to bring attention to products and services designed to positively impact society. Our mission is to provide our community of individuals dedicated to conscious living with education and access to brands and companies that align with their values. We feature and review a wide variety of products on our social media and on Youtube. Read more about our values, ratings, and review system here.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
Peter Drucker

Meet our team

Image of a person wearing a black beanie and a purple shawl, the backgroudn is blurred, the person is wearing glasses and is smiling.

Bia Caffe is a fiber artist, cinephile, and content creator who resides in the Pacific Northwest. She is a passionate advocate for sustainable and conscious living. With a background in anthropology, she loves to engage with diverse groups of people, understands the importance of user-friendly products, and is deeply committed to accessibility and supporting practices that reduce environmental harm.
Through her work as brand manager and ambassador, Bia is dedicated to promoting products and practices that align with OSN’s focus on conscious living through showcasing the latest eco-friendly products or highlighting the importance of making small changes for a more sustainable future.


Interested in working with us?

Contact us at inquiry@omtimes.com